Selasa, 12 Juli 2011


(sometimes I wish I could just be in a field of nothing!)

Again to those of my loyal readers I deeply apologize for my lack of posts..I promise I am still here…

That being said and with my lack of posts I wanted to just talk for a bit.. I love all of my fashion posts, and thanks to my new love of Polyvore I am able to easily make magically collections without a ton of time.. but this has also lessened my voice here on the blog, so for today I will be writing much more than my usual.. (if you hate it, I apologize, I’ll be back to the photos very soon!)

So today I wanted to talk about the balance of life idea!  This is something I believe some if not many of us struggle with, and it is something that I have believed in..well until very recently.. I was recently asked about what I thought the perfect balance of life is?

I immediately started to describe what I thought was my ideal balance: that is of work, health, personal relationships and my faith relationship.. but as I got into more detail with this I began to question myself..

Yes I believe those things in life are very important and each one should play a role each and every day but who and what is to say the perfect amount of each.. also doesn’t your life balance consistently change.. I mean right now in my life although my family and friends play a large role in my life, it’s pretty much me, myself and I..

I don’t have a husband, no kids so for support reasons there is only me.. this as most of us know, can change dramatically depending on those previous obligations of spouse and children.. so how does balance change because of this?

Well this is only a question that can be answered by those that have experienced all types of life, and so I would never be one to answer it.. but coming back to the balance of my current stage of life, well to me it’s still an ongoing question..

I know this time in my life is one that I am to focus on my career, and to really figure what it is I want to be doing with it.. right?  But there is also the part of me that knows I will only be in my 20s for so long, and without the obligations of the other life commitments I want, so why not be more greedy?  Why not take all those vacations? Enjoy the long summer nights?  This is where my balance questions arises..

Also for me my health and faith are two other areas of my life that I cherish.. and where is the perfect balance for those..

As my “adult” months grow into years I do feel that I am very ok with how my life is so far, but the question of that perfect balance I believe will always be there.. and for me I sometimes believe maybe there will never be the “perfect” balance but just to find one that works for you and makes your overall life and environment happy, is balance enough!!

Thanks for listening to my rants and hope you all are doing great!! My goal for the next few weeks (of course depending on my “work balance”) will be to keep up with Amy Simple Life!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!

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