Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Back to School!

So its Monday and for some, its about this time of go BACK to SCHOOL!!  Now those of you who know me, may be wondering what I am about to discuss with school, as I have been in the working profession for a couple of years now.. 

But this is about to change..considering in just a few weeks I myself will be returning BACK to SCHOOL! Yes I am ecstatic to let you all know that I am going to be getting my Masters (well hopefully) so bye bye any life..and hello to school + my usual crazy 50+ hr work weeks..

In the spirit of going back to school I thought I would share some VERY adult appropriate back-packs (if they can still be called that) 

LOVE this bag!

For those who don't have to carry much or just obsessed with you bike, I love this one above, its an easy throw on bag that is perfect to take you all around town, whether or not your riding too..

And of course, you all know how much a sucker I am for stripes!

And finally a real shout out to all the little ones starting their first experience at school!! 

What is your favorite back to school memory?

Happy Monday!

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