At times we have "time-lines/mandated schedules" in our lives such as: getting through grade school, graduating from high school, going to college..but after those were left on our own..

For some it may be to get married, have some kids, have the big house with the picket fence
For others you focus on your career, get a job, find something you love doing, go back to school...
But for everyone you should set yourself some sort of goals, looking back at my life I have always been told to set goals, and in reality those are the things that I am most proud of
No I would never be one to say I have met every goal I have set, but those I do meet I feel a huge rush of accomplishment!
I also believe in having both small and large goals..i think some days my goal is just to get out of bed and make it to work on time.. other days its different but each time you can set a goal, you can strive for more and feel the sense of accomplishment!
I recently looked back at a set of goals I made at the end of December 2009, I am not one to usually make the traditional New Year's goals but for some reason on the plane ride from Chicago back to DC this year I got inspired! I was extremely pleased after looking at the goals I had made 8 months ago to see most of them have either been accomplished or are in the works currently! It was a sense of accomplishment that I don't think I could of received any other way!
So there's my two sense on goals and life for this Wednesday...
By the way I am looking for new ideas for my blog name..I had come up with this name over a year ago before I ever really gave this blog a chance..I think there is definitely a title out there that would fit better..anyways if you are feeling creative and want to throw out some ideas it would be much appreciative! (for those of you who read, and don't follow..feel free to leave me a message or email with ideas)
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