Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

A little Inspiration

So as you all know I am training for my first marathon! I apologize if you are not a runner and could care less about my interest in this obnoxious sport..but considering it has taken a large chunk of my very precious free time out of my life..I do slightly obsess over it!

That being said I am grateful to all those who share my passion in running or at least think I am so crazy that they at least seem somewhat proud of me.. I do however have a few good friends that are as crazy as myself and are also training for either a half or full marathon..and to them I am extremely grateful to share my struggles with!

A few weeks ago a good friend of mine shared a title of a book that she recommended to me.. "The NONrunner's marathon Guide for Women: Get off your butt and on with you training" because of my recent lack of free time I wasn't super excited about losing even more of it to start on a new book..but within hours this book's title kept creeping up in conversation, before I knew it I felt as if everyone involved in some sort of training was talking about it!

A few days later and a quick trip over to I ordered the book and waited anxiously!

I received the book in the mail on Friday afternoon..and I am proud/embarrassed to say I only have about another 5o pages to is amazing!!! I honestly can't put the book down! It is one of the first books that I can say you will find me hysterically laughing out loud!

Dawn Dais, is a hilarious, realistic and yet extremely REAL woman who set a goal to run a marathon, she shares each and every painful yet rewarding moment! I do not want to get into too much detail because I highly recommend it to any and all runners (men not secluded) and honestly you don;t even necessarily need to be training for a marathon, it really is a great book for those wanting to set a goal that they think is unreachable! (although you will definitely have a LOT of comparisons and laughs if you are training)

That all being said, go out a get the book..for me it has been a HUGE help already!

Thanks again to katie G and jess for advice! I will be holding-on-closely to this book throughout the next few months of training!!

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