Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Meatless Mondays!

First off Welcome Back!! I have just returned from one of the best most rejuvenating vacations I think I have ever had!  It also may of been from my depression of need to getaway..but man oh man did I need the beach!  Although I was awoken at 4:00am and only got about 3 hours of sleep I am so thankfully for the little extra time I got from spending one more night at the beach with my wonderful Family!!!

Although I did stay true to my regular exercise and continued to up my mileage, especially on the beach! (one of my favorite things to do: run on the beach) I did also enjoy the amazing FOOD!!  (and maybe enjoyed it a little too much!) 

So the over-indulgence of food plus the fact that I was still stuck on what I may either give up (or add) to my life during lent season  I got to thinking.. I had heard of others doing what is called the "meatless Monday" but I have always been weary of even somewhat going vegetarian, not that I am a HUGE meat eater but I do always try to get some port of lean protein a day!  That is why I have decided to try it just ONE day a week, and the fun name will make me remember that EVERY Monday I will go meatless!  

The majority of the reasoning behind this for me personally is to see if I can really incorporate more vegetables and fruit into my life (and more than just my banana with cereal and lettuce on my turkey sandwich!)

No more turkey.. veggie sandwich?!

I promise to not annoy you every Monday with how this is going, but will every once in awhile keep you u[dated!  I am excited and slightly frightened but am hoping this may become a trend that I enjoy and will keep much past Easter!  My record is quite good, my no soda last year has stayed strong and I to this day NEVER crave one!

So here we go Meatless Monday! we shall see how I do.. please any vegetarians or those who cook frequently with veggies and other protein supplements, I would LOVE for some recipes and advice!

Happy Monday!!!

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