Senin, 20 September 2010

to bang, or not to bang?

Ok, so the day has finally come (well it's actually tomorrow) but I have finally given in..that is to trying a new hair stylist! After 5 plus years of always going to the same guy (in Orlando) I have finally realized that I can no longer wait and only have my hair cut like twice a year, and/or is it except-able to plan entire visits home just for that sole reason..

So after many of months of delay and or shall I also say denial, I gave in and made an appointment! I am excited to meet with someone new, and it was a recommendation from a very good friend so I am not completely going out on a limb

Now that I have given in, I know have a new obstacle to conquer.. that is what I shall do with my hair, I love that I finally have some good length and although it definitely need s trim that is as far as I want to go with the length..and as for the color..right now I have decided I am liking my natural (aka..its cheap) so if I am not willing to change the length and am too cheap for the color the only thing that really leaves me to do is... Bangs!

I know I'm sure some of you are screeching with dislike..but I gotta make some kind of change..

So here are a few looks I have pulled..let me know what you all think!

1) full longer bang- although this one seems like it may be VERY annoying??

2) A little more of a side- dominant bang

3) Love hers, but dont know if mine would look this polished..I mean its Reese!

4) Non- celebrity, but the first picture I saw with the bangs that I loved!

So there it is..let me know if anyone out there has any advice I could really use some..esp before 6pm tomorrow!!

Hope you all had a great weekend! I did a little DIY furniture and apartment work this weekend so I'll try to get some pictures to show you soon!

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