Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Fit Fridays!

So this Friday I want to make a challenge, because as I said in my first Fit Friday the best part of getting fit is setting goals, and if you set goals and say them out-loud you are much more prone to go through with these goals!

My "Fit" Goal to you this year is to run 1,000 miles!  (I am also counting elliptical because after training for my first marathon I found out my knees cant take all that mileage on the treadmill/ and trails everyday!) already accomplished over 38 to date!

So what is your Fit Challenge goal?  Will you make one for the entire year or maybe start by making one for the month of January!? 

By no means does it have to be with running, it can be maybe get 30 minutes of some sort of exercise 5 times a week!  Just this will increase your metabolism and give you more energy and most likely will make you much happier!

Or maybe you can make a healthy- diet Fit challenge, say by adding more veggies into your diet this month, by being more conscious of what you are in-taking will make a huge difference!  Say you usually eat a salad for lunch, that is a great start but also think about maybe adding a few colorful veggies into your stir-fry that you are whipping up for dinner! Another easy and simple and cheap way to make this goal, is to buy a ton of flash-frozen veggies, these are so easy to steam or microwave and include in also any dinner plate!

Another fun way to incorporate a new "Fit Challenge" and to keep up with your very social lifestyle is to join a sports team, in almost every city across the country teams are set0-up everyday and this is a great way to incorporate all your friends, or a great way to meet more people plus as an added bonus get some great exercise in too! Plus for almost all of these "teams" you do NOT need to be a pro athlete in them, many if not most are just for fun, but do try to at least break a sweat here and there before hitting up the happy hour after!

Well I hope I at least jogged your brain a little, and gave you a few more reasons to start getting fit in 2011!  

Happy Friday my dears! Go enjoy your long weekend, I know I am definitely looking forward to it!

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